报告主题:Local energy decay for solutions of the Benjamin-Ono equation
报 告 人:Linares Ramirez Jose Felipe 巴西院士,巴西里约热内卢纯数学与应用数学研究所
报告时间:2024年5月9日 15:00-16:30
主 持 人:袁锦昀 院士
报告摘要:In this lecture, I will present recent results regarding the asymptotic behavior of solutions to the initial value problem associated with the Benjamin-Ono equation.We use new techniques in order to show that solutions of this system decay to zero in the energy space in an appropriate domain.The result is independent of the integrability of the equation involved and it does not require any size assumptions.We also consider the asymptotic behavior of the solution in a domain moving in time in the right direction. Finally, we discuss the decay of the solution in the far left region.This is a joint work in collaboration with R. Freire (IMPA), C.Munoz (UChile) and G. Ponce (UCSB).